Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tip Tuesday: Prevent Washing Machine Hose Failures

Did you know?
According to State Farm Insurance Statistics, washing machine hose failures cause approximately $170 million in damages to homes in the United States & Canada. The true figure may be even higher, as this amount accounts for reported claims only.

Now you know! :)

Fortunately, there are some simple, quick and inexpensive steps that homeowners can take to eliminate the problem.

1. Regularly inspect your washing machine hoses.

2. Make sure there are at least 4 inches of clearance between the water connection and the back of the washing machine. This space will help reduce the chances that the hose will kink. 

3. Make sure your connections are secure.

4. Buy a high quality hose. There is one type of hose (Floodcheck) that was originally designed for use in condominiums. It contains a non-corroding rounded brass insert and several other features which
were specifically designed to address the shortcomings found in most washing machines. 

5. Shut off your hoses when not in use. You can either shut them off manually each time, or install an automatic washing machine shutoff valve. 

6. Never leave your washer on when you are asleep or out of the house.

Happy Tuesday!

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